APERTO Lucent Open MRI
What is the APERTO Lucent Open MRI?
Do I need to prepare for my MRI scan?
Most MRI examinations require no special preparation. You’re free to eat and drink normally before and after the scan.However, if you’re prone to anxiety about confined spaces, the APERTO Lucent’s open design can offer greater peace of mind and comfort. Please contact us prior to your appointment if you have any concerns.
- For Abdominal MRI: Please fast for four (4) hours before your appointment.
- For Head MRI: Avoid wearing eye makeup.
What happens during an MRI scan?
You’ll be comfortably positioned on the table, with the APERTO Lucent’s open design providing an airy, non-enclosed scanning experience. The machine is open on both sides and offers ample lighting, with a two-way intercom that lets you easily communicate with the MRI technologist at any point. Should you feel any discomfort, a buzzer is available for immediate assistance.
As the MRI captures images, you may hear some thumping or whirring sounds, which are typical. We’ll provide earplugs or headphones to minimise these sounds, and it’s important to remain still throughout the scan to ensure image clarity.
Will I need to have an injection?
Some MRI examinations require an injection of a special intravenous contrast or dye (called Gadolinium). This can provide additional detail on the MRI pictures and is usually injected into a small vein in the elbow or the back of the hand.
As with all medications, a very small number of patients may be allergic to the contrast injection. If you have kidney disease, you may not be able to have the contrast injection. The MRI technologist or radiologist will discuss this with you.
What if I am pregnant?
MRI is usually avoided in the first trimester of pregnancy unless there are special circumstances.
Please notify us if you are pregnant or if you think you may be pregnant.

Most MRI examinations require no preparation. You can eat and drink normally before and after the scan. It is important to bring any previous films with you to the appointment.If you experience symptoms of claustrophobia or are unable to lie flat comfortably, then it is advisable to contact us prior to your appointment. Your doctor may prescribe an oral sedative medication for you to take with you for your MRI appointment.
If you are having an MRI of the abdomen, you will need to fast for four (4) hours prior to the examination.
If you are having an MRI of the head, please do not wear eye makeup.
When you arrive at the clinic, you will be required to register at the reception desk and complete an MRI safety questionnaire. This assists us in identifying if you have any metal, surgical implants or electrical devices that may not be safe to go inside the scanner’s strong magnetic field. Some patients with cerebral aneurysm clips, infusion pumps, neurostimulator devices and cochlear (inner ear) implants are unable to have an MRI scan or may require the examination to be modified.
If you have had metal in your eyes or other parts of your body (i.e. shrapnel or metal slivers from grinding or welding), you may need to have an x-ray before your MRI scan. It is very important to have any metal fragments in your eyes removed prior to the scan. You will be asked to change into a hospital gown to avoid metallic objects being inadvertently taken into the scanner. Lockers are provided for wallets, watches, mobile phones and other personal items. Please do not take credit cards into the scanner room as the magnetic strip may be erased.
Your MRI examination will be performed by a qualified and accredited MRI technologist (a radiographer or medical imaging technologist who has completed further MRI study).